Sunday, November 8, 2009

Some Pictures

I couldn't help myself, I had to post some pictures! I will post the rest when the house is put together!

This is our bedroom

The 2nd bedroom (we are going to leave her vinyl on the wall for now... the other bedrooms are on the list of things to fix up, but one thing at a time!)

Our kitchen


The Brown's said...

Your room turned out so cute! I can't wait to paint:) Congrats guys! We are so happy for you!

Jason and Nikki said...

Look how fast it is coming together. So cute!!!

Jason and Tawni said...

I can't wait to come up and see your new digs. I love love love yourblack and white decor in your bedroom. That lamp on the dresser is the cutest dang thing I have ever seen. You have a talent for interior design girl ... maybe you should rethink the whole Zions Bank thing? jk